IMEHA (International Model Equine Hobbyists Association) was an online photo showing site that existing until 2018. Included on the site were these guidebooks for judging and showing model horses in Performance classes. MEPSA has obtained permission to share the info contained in the guides.
This site is intended to be useful to those who are interested in the Judging of Model Horses. It can be used by judges and exhibitors. It is not perfect or does it have everything ever written for model horse show rules. It is the IMEHA Board of Directors hope that it will be useful in that it will help the online and mail in model horse exhibitor set up their photos correctly and that judges will find it a fair and useful tool. Any comments are welcome.
The profiles on this site were first taken from United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) and the governing breed specific association rulebooks such as American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA). They were then placed on the IMEHA Discussion Board as to how these rules pertain to the showing of model horses and discussed by the membership and then voted in as IMEHA Approved Guidelines. We encourage other model horse mail in and online photo holders to approve and sanction this site so we may achieve a total balance in model horse photo showing.
Please click on photos to see them at a larger size.
Photo Credit
Top Photo:
Name: Catch My Drift
BREYER Connoisseur Model
2008 NAN OF Western Pleasure Champion – Stock Type
Saddle By Brooke Perry
Bridle & Breast Collar By Julia Harmon
Doll By Susan Hargrove