For 2014, MEPSA chose the Breyer Adios as the Makeover Challenge model.

Submitted by Peggy Guinan
Voted Most Studly

Submitted by Becky Murphy
Voted Most Colorful

Submitted by Linda Watson-Gresham
Voted Most Studly & Most Fantastical

Submitted by Sara Yazdani
Voted Most Imaginative & Most Surprising

Submitted by Carole Ingram
Voted Most Fantastical

Submitted by Lisa Shepard
Voted Best Detail, Best Coloring/Shading, Most Improved

Submitted by Meg Walker
Voted Best Dapples

Submitted by Julie Brooks
Voted Best Spots, Most Extreme

Submitted by Liz Jones
Voted Best Hair, Best Dapples

Submitted by Lynette Sayers
Voted Most Extreme, Most Surprising

Submitted by Marie Spinella Phillips
Voted Best Hair, Best Details

Submitted by Laurel Dedes
Voted Best Spots, Most Colorful, Best Detail

A huge thank you all of our entrants for their donations!