Ruth, with 89 votes for her custom palomino tobiano Missouri Fox Trotting gelding will receive an unpainted Platinum Daylily sculpted by Carissa Kirksey.
Next up these horses will be posted to Model Horse Place for auction. You can start an account there if you have your eye on one to bid We hope to have those posted in the next week. The horse that brings in the most money for MEPSA will be awarded the AR blank “Elton” pony sculpted by Jennifer Scott.
Entry #2 was customized into a black Friesian mare with a new mane and feathering by Shana Bobbitt (8 votes).
Entry #3 was customized into a bay blanket Appaloosa with braided mane and tail (he also has wigs for a natural mane/tail so the new owner can show him in Western!) done by Lisa Shepard (83 votes).
Entry #4 was customized into a red roan Drafter type stallion with totally new pose and added bulk and feathering done by Julie Brooks (50 votes).
A huge thank you to our artists for sharing their amazing talents with MEPSA!! If you want to participate next year and want a head start, get your body now, it will be on the PROUD ARABIAN STALLION for 2022 and the prize is TBA.